Asbestos Information
Effective immediately, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided that copies of Asbestos Notifications for projects in Pennsylvania should no longer be sent to EPA. Please read the
attached notice from EPA for further information.
Effective January 16, 2021, all initial and annual Asbestos Abatement and Demolition/Renovation Notification Forms must be accompanied with a $300 fee. Initial and annual notifications will not be considered complete unless accompanied by the fee. This fee does not apply to revisions, postponements, and cancellations of notification forms, or for notifications required for fire training activities.
Because asbestos in certain forms has been determined to cause serious health problems, the DEP regulates the removal, collection, transportation, and disposal of Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM). DEP does not regulate the removal of ACM from private residences unless the residence is an apartment with five or more units. Contact your township or borough to find out if there are any local regulations.
The Department of Labor and Industry enforces Pennsylvania's Asbestos Occupations Accreditation and Certification Act of 1990, which requires at least a five-day notification of any asbestos project and certification for the following asbestos occupations: contractor, inspector, management planner, project designer, supervisor and worker.
What is Asbestos?
Federal Government Information:
Understanding Asbestos (PDF)
Contractor Information
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental protection is transitioning away from paper to online asbestos abatement and demolition/renovation notifications. DEP held a webinar on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 to introduce and explain the new online system. If you were unable to participate, a recording of the webinar is below:
Online Asbestos Notification System is one of many applications on the Department's
GreenPort website. You will need to create a GreenPort account to access the system if you don't already have one. Regardless of how many DEP systems you want to access, only one GreenPort account is ever necessary. Once you create an account, you can self-register for the Online Asbestos Notification System by clicking on the "Enroll" button at the bottom of the screen, selecting "ePermitting", and then "Asbestos". Thereafter, an "ePermitting" button will be available on the right hand side of your applications screen.
DEP’s release page details enhancements, new or modified functionality, as well as any bug fixes within the e-permitting application for all programs. Release notes are organized by month. Those having problems creating a Greenport account should call the
DEP Service Desk at 717-787-4357.
Note: This online system is not for asbestos abatement and demolition/renovation projects in Philadelphia or Allegheny Counties.
A search utility providing access to all the online asbestos notifications received by DEP since March 9, 2018 can be found on the
Air Quality Reports page.
While we strongly encourage the use of the Online Asbestos Notification System, links to the paper notification and its instructions are found below. Please mail paper notifications to the appropriate DEP Regional Office found in the instructions and not the Rachel Carson State Office Building in Harrisburg. Please contact the appropriate
DEP Regional Office if you have questions or need additional information.
Helpful Links