Expand AllClick here for a more accessible versionThe Streamlining Permits for Economic Expansion and Development (SPEED) Program was created in July 2024 to continue the DEP’s Permit Modernization effort to move further, faster in permit processing and keep Pennsylvania moving at the speed of business.
Through SPEED, permit applicants for select permits will be able to use DEP-verified qualified contractors to conduct initial reviews of applications for expedited review. DEP staff will review recommendations from the qualified contractor and make the decision to approve or deny the permit, or issue a technical deficiency letter to the applicant.
Eligible permit types are:
- Air Quality plan approvals (state-only) (Chp. 127)
- Earth disturbance permits (Chp. 102)
- Individual water obstruction and encroachment permits (Chp. 105)
- Dam safety permits (Chp. 105)
DEP is coordinating activities across the state to meet the implementation deadline. More information, including approved qualified contractors, will be posted soon. PAyback guidelines will still apply to SPEED permits.
DEP has implemented PAyback, the Shapiro Administration’s money-back guarantee program that refunds permit application fees if an agency doesn’t act on an application in a set time frame. Since starting the PAyback program in November 2023, DEP has not had to refund a single application fee.
Applications Received
| Applications Disposed | Currently Pending | Currently PAyback eligible |
21,483 | 17,625
| 3,858 | 4 |
PAyback eligible applications are still being reviewed but are past the allotted review time for that type of application. DEP continues to review PAyback eligible applications unless the applicant withdraws the application and requests a refund.
DEP cataloged, analyzed and established review timeframes for its permits, licenses, and certifications and developed new internal tracking and reporting tools to implement EO 2023-07. These tools significantly improved DEP’s abilities to track and prioritize pending authorization reviews and manage the backlog. Since December 1, 2023, DEP was able to reduce the backlog of overdue reviews received prior to November 1, 2023 by more than 45 percent.
One of the common permit applications DEP receives is for construction related earth disturbance and post-construction stormwater management, covered by Chp. 102 of the regulatory code. In May 2024, DEP launched a pilot program in 10 counties to try and improve the quality of applications received and reduce the overall processing time for the permit.
The pilot program is expected to reduce the average processing time for these permits by 73 days – from an average of 176 days to an average of 103 days.
One key aspect of the pilot program is requiring applicants to have several pre-application meetings so that applicants and regulators understand the full scope of a project. As a result, applicants can submit permits that address possible environmental concerns without time-consuming communications back and forth about technical deficiencies.
DEP is committed to updating IT infrastructure to make the permitting process easier and more transparent for businesses and communities.
Governor Shapiro recognized this dire need and proposed a budget that will revamp DEP’s online systems. Updating the main recordkeeping tool for permitting and inspections, eFacts, remains a top priority. This budget would also support the development of tools to promote transparency in permit review and recordkeeping for anyone who wants to know what is going on in their community.
The DEP Permit Application Consulting Tool (PACT) is a tool to help potential applicants who are considering a new project in Pennsylvania, or expanding or relocating an existing operation.
It allows potential applicants to quickly and easily determine which types of environmental permits, authorizations or notifications may be required for specific projects.
The tool guides the user through a series of simple questions and provides information and links to permitting information for potential permits that may be required based on the user responses. When submitted to DEP, the tool may serve as the foundation for a Pre-Application Conference/Meeting to discuss and verify tool results and permit coordination.
DEP is improving customer service for regulated entities and Pennsylvania residents by launching training programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to improve the customer’s experience. DEP is also reviewing feedback from applicants and users to identify opportunities for improvement across our systems.
The Center of Environmental Excellence is identifying Key Performance Indicators to better track performance across DEP programs and identify bottlenecks and pressure points in the review process. These KPIs are tracked in quarterly program reviews to mark progress and explore opportunities for improvement.