Water Reports
Searchable wastewater-related reports, including electronic discharge monitoring reports (eDMR), have been moved to the new
Wastewater Reports page.
Water Use Reports
DEP collects electronic self-monitoring water use reports from public water supply agencies, hydropower facilities and each person whose total withdrawal exceeds an average rate of 10,000 gallons per day in any 30-day period.
Water Source Registration
A report of water use source registration. Information includes the identification of the registrant, the name, description, and location of water sources, and the amounts of water withdrawal or water purchased or sold. Note: water uses quantities collected during registration was discontinued in 2012.
Water Quantity Report by Source
An annual report of source level information, monthly water withdrawals for each type of source, and monthly purchases and sales amounts through public water supply interconnections.
Water Use Summary (Power BI)
A summary of reported annual water withdrawals and use for Pennsylvania. The report summarizes total withdrawals by categories and source types using charts, maps, and tables at state, county, and watershed scales. The report also displays the locations of reported sources (excluding sources for public water supply).
Water Management Plan Daily Water Use Report
A quarterly report of daily water withdrawal and purchases submitted by oil and gas operators. Note: daily reporting commenced in January 2017; prior reports were monthly water withdrawal and purchases submitted quarterly found in the Water Quantity Report by Source viewer.
Drinking Water Reports
Drinking Water Reporting System (DWRS)
DRWS allows public access to public drinking water systems' sample history, inventory information and recent violation history. Based on selection criteria provided by the user, information will be displayed for a single water system or multiple systems.
Pennsylvania Annual Drinking Water Compliance Report
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires states produce an annual report on public water system compliance. PA DEP creates a report each year that includes a summary of the incidence of Pennsylvania public water system (PWS) maximum contaminant level (MCL), maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL), significant monitoring/reporting (M/R), treatment technique (TT), consumer confidence report rule (CCR), and public notification (PN) violations for the previous calendar year. The level of compliance and efforts being undertaken to provide safe drinking water to the residents and travelers of Pennsylvania are also highlighted in the report. Click the link below to review the most recent report.
Consumer Confidence Reporting System website generates dynamic reports on detections and violations to assist community water systems in preparing their annual Consumer Confidence Reports on quality of drinking water. The source of the information is the Pennsylvania Drinking Water Information System (PADWIS) maintained by DEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water's PADWIS Section. Data for the next calendar year will be available on March 1st. The violation reports contain self-monitoring violations for contaminants useful in preparing the CCR.
Previous Years Reports