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Chapter 102 ePermit System

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has released several phases of the Chapter 102 electronic permitting system (ePermit System) to improve the efficiency of submissions and reviews of Chapter 102 permit applications and Notices of Intent (NOIs) and enable faster responses to applicants. The web-based Chapter 102 ePermit System can be accessed through DEP’s GreenPort. The releases for voluntary use include:

  • New NOIs and amendments* for coverage under the PAG-02 General NPDES Permit;
  • New applications and amendments* for Individual NPDES Permits for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities; and,
  • New applications and amendments* for Individual Erosion and Sediment Control Permits for discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities.
  • New NOIs and amendments* for coverage under the Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP-3) for earth disturbance associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing or Treatment Operations of Transmission Facilities

Information for Applicants

Applicants of Chapter 102 permits that wish to use the ePermit System are required to have an Electronic Filing Administrator (EFA). The EFA is the applicant or an employee or member of an organization who has permission to manage applications and users on the organization’s behalf within the ePermit System. EFAs should follow the registration instructions in the Chapter 102 ePermit System Enrollment Guide. To give other users (e.g., consultants) access and permissions within the Chapter 102 ePermit System, EFAs can reference the EFA’s Guide to Process Access Requests & User Permissions.

The links below provide assistance to EFAs in video format.

Unless one has already been created, a prospective user will need to create a GreenPort account to access the ePermit System. Please refer to the How to Create a GreenPort Account and enroll in the ePermit System Guide. Only one GreenPort account is necessary for an individual regardless of the number of DEP electronic applications the user will access. However, a user will need separate permissions for some DEP ePermit Systems. For example, a user needs separate access to the Chapter 102 ePermit System and the Chapter 105 ePermit System. Once a Greenport account is created, the user will need to request access online by enrolling in the ePermit system (i.e., ePermitting) for the Bureau of Clean Water. Note: GreenPort accounts are not corporate accounts and must be created, managed and controlled by an individual.

User information from the EFA enrollment will require DEP verification, and the proper connections will be made from the user’s GreenPort account to existing records (if any) in DEP’s eFACTS data system. A user may prepare an ePermit application while the EFA Client registration is being reviewed and completed by DEP. Potential users having problems creating a GreenPort account should call the DEP Service Help Desk at 717-787-HELP (4357).

Information for Other Users (e.g., Consultants)

Consultants, employees of the applicant that are not EFAs, and others should follow the Chapter 102 ePermit System Enrollment Guide. Similar to the process indicated above for the applicant, these users will need to create a GreenPort account and then enroll in the ePermit System (i.e., ePermitting) for the Bureau of Clean Water. The Operator will then need to obtain the Access ID from the EFA and will need to be approved by the EFA before they can make a submission. The Operator is able to enroll before obtaining the Access ID and can start a draft application. The link below provides assistance to Other Users in video format.

Chapter 102 ePermit System Training Center

This training center contains numerous instructional videos and resources related to the Chapter 102 ePermit System.

Help – ePermit System Resources

Contact the Business Support Help Desk if you encounter technical problems with GreenPort or the ePermit System:

Phone Number: (717) 787-HELP (4357)
Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm
Contact via Web

Contact DEP’s Bureau of Clean Water if you have program-specific questions:

Note: Please ensure to clear your cache before accessing the above resources if you have accessed them previously. Not doing so may result in previous versions being displayed.

Release Schedule

The schedule below provides dates for the phased rollout of the Chapter 102 ePermit System:

  1. New NOIs and amendments* for the PAG-02 General NPDES Permit – released January 25, 2021;
  2. New applications and amendments* for Individual NPDES Permits for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities – released April 21, 2021;
  3. New applications and amendments* for Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control (E&S) Permits for Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities – released August 4, 2021; and,
  4. New NOIs, amendments*, and renewals for the Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP-3) for earth disturbance associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilitates – released March 17, 2022;
  5. New NOIs and amendments* for the PAG-01 General NPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Small Construction Activities- Anticipated Date to be determined.

*Amendments can be processed within the ePermit System only if the original NOI/application was submitted through ePermit System.