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​​Aggregate Advisory Board

The Aggregate Advisory Board was created by Act 137 of 2014 (PDF), which was signed by Governor Corbett on Sept. 24, 2014, and takes effect 60 days thereafter.

This board was created to assist the Secretary of Environmental Protection to spend funds for the purposes provided by Section 17, "Noncoal Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund," of the act of Dec. 29, 1984, known as the "Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act," and to advise the secretary on all matters pertaining to surface mining as defined in Section 3, "Definitions," of the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act. This includes, but is not limited to, experimental practices, alternate methods of backfilling, obligations for preexisting pollution liability, alteration of reclamation plans, reclamation fees and bonding rates and methods.

The board is comprised of the Secretary of DEP (chair), three aggregate surface mining operators, four members of the public from the Citizens Advisory Council, one member from county conservation districts, one Senate member from the majority party, one Senate member from the minority party, one House member from the majority party, and one House member from the minority party.

All members are appointed for a term of two years except one-half of the initial members serve for three years. All actions of the board are by majority vote. The board meets at least quarterly, upon the call of the secretary, to carry out its duties. The board prepares an annual report of its activities to be submitted to the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate and the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of Representatives.