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DEP offers competitive grant and rebate opportunities to support a range of programs to improve or protect the Commonwealth’s water, air, and land.

Registering as a first-time ESA applicant – Keystone Login System

This video shows the first time ESA applicant the steps to register for a Keystone Login Account, which is needed to access and apply for grants in the Electronic Single Application system.

 Videos ‭[1]‬

Register as ESA Applicant

How to search for a grant program

This video will show how to search the Electronic Single Application system for available grant opportunities offered by DEP tailored to your organization or project type.

 Videos ‭[2]‬

Search for a Grant

DEP Electronic Signature (eSignature) Process Instructions

If awarded a grant from DEP, the contracting process will be all electronic, including signatures on the grant agreement.  This document explains the process and shows what the grantee signatories can expect when it comes time to sign their grant agreement.